
Curriculum Intent

 1. Curriculum Design

-     The ‘formal’ curriculum for Science at Chailey School is designed to encourage a deep curiosity in the world around us and the behaviour of matter. It allows students to develop analytical skills, scientific literacy and become critical thinkers. The science curriculum can also prepare students to pursue a wide range of STEM careers

-     The KS3 curriculum will cover Year 7 and 8.  KS4, years 9,10,11.

-     In science we ensure disadvantaged students and those with SEND have full access to our curriculum and the all of the opportunities that go with it.  Some examples of how we support students are: Gaining Dyslexic friendly status, mixed ability classes, faculty wide scaffolded tasks, collaborative planning for all abilities, a specific commitment to all our disadvantaged students.

 2. Coherence and continuity

-     The intent of the curriculum in Science aligns with the overall curriculum intent of Chailey School

-     By the end of Key Stage 3, students are expected to understand foundation concepts in Biology, Chemistry and Physics according to the national curriculum and also be able to carry out valid scientific investigations.

-     By the end of Key Stage 4, students are expected to link foundation concepts together and apply to more complex scientific concepts in Biology, Chemistry and Physics, following the AQA specification.

-     To achieve this, the curriculum in Science is planned in coherent sequences of lessons – knowledge, skills and understanding will be built on and applied in a cumulative manner.

-     Assessment, testing of knowledge, skills and understanding, and effective feedback on this in will support this – further details of this can be found in the school’s and subject’s Feedback Policy.

 3. The ‘Informal’ curriculum

-     Science contributes much to the school’s ‘informal’ curriculum – the experience and opportunity for students in science is not just about set of exam results, very important though those may be.

-     Key opportunities for this in include:

o   Crest

o   Care

o   Stem

o   Rocket cars

o   Science week participation

o   Trips – science museum, science live.

o   Enrichment week

o   Opportunities in lesson

 4. Building character and values in the curriculum

-     All subjects at Chailey School contribute towards building the character and values of its young people

-     In Science, this is achieved through:

o   Building resilience in challenging topics

o   Peer relationships during practical tasks.

o   Global and environmental discussion

o   Healthy and sensible lifestyle – eating healthily, contraception, sex education,

o    Debate and discussion – stem cells, IVF funding, antibiotic resistance, drug testing, cloning and gene therapy, prenatal testing, clean energies, radiation.


Page Downloads Date  
Year 7 subject intent outline plan 04th Apr 2023 Download
Year 8 subject intent outline plan 04th Apr 2023 Download
KS4 subject intent outline plan 04th Apr 2023 Download