Year 7 & 8 Sponsored Walk

5th Jul 2024

Chailey School strongly believes in the value of a healthy lifestyle, the importance of community (school, local, national and international), learning outside the classroom, and developing a sense of responsibility and consideration for others.

This year, on Friday 5th July, all our students in school that week in Years 7 and 8 along with the staff and other students in school, will be part of our 10km Sponsored Walk in the local area. The walk will take place over the course of the morning and early afternoon, with departure times staggered to ensure an even flow of walkers. Staff will accompany small groups of students and will also be situated at key points along the way, for safety purposes and to ensure the good behaviour for which our students are well-known. This will also help the students navigate the route accurately. The route is carefully planned, but students will also be issued with a map and the route will be marked by guidance arrows and waymarkers. There will be a group at the end of the day who will tidy up and take down any waymarkers to leave the route as we will have found it. Students will also be carefully briefed beforehand, and will know the Countryside Code.

We fully intend for this to be an enjoyable and valuable experience for all involved, but it will also be a sponsored event and we would like students to raise money using the sponsorship form attached or through the ‘Just Giving’ page, kindly set up by Friends of Chailey School, at Chailey School sponsored walk 5th July 2024 - JustGiving The ‘Just Giving Page’, however, would also allow us to claim ‘Gift Aid’ on any sponsorship money raised. From this page you can create your own fundraising page, or just donate directly to the campaign. Monies raised will be used to develop our environment at the school, for sporting equipment, and to help to provide finance for visiting groups to work with our students during Curriculum Enrichment Week.