Financial Benchmarking

Please use this link for information about how Chailey schools finance compares to other schools.

Chailey School - Schools Financial Benchmarking - GOV.UK (



Financial Information


Financial benchmarking Chailey school has a Finance and Resources Committee that includes Senior Leadership Team (SLT) staff and Governors.

SLT and this committee regularly review our expenditure and efficiencies using a variety of ways, including using the financial benchmarking service provided by the government:

As of 1st January 2021 the following information is required to be published on the school website: Number of individuals (if any) earning over £100k, in £10k bandings (a table is recommended and this should be updated annually). Teachers’ and Leaders’ pay at Chailey school follows the national School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions Document (STPCD). The STPCD also sets out how the salary for a Headteacher is set.



Gross Salaries over £100,000

Number of Individuals


September 2023



£100,000 - £110,000