Pupil Premium Grant Support


Pupil Premium Grant is an additional sum of money paid to all schools in order to tackle disadvantage resulting from low income or family circumstance. The amount is calculated based on the number of students on roll at the school who are currently eligible for free school meals or have been eligible in the last six years, and those students who are looked after in the care of a local authority for at least six months. The funding is designed to allow schools to provide for students who need it most and to counter deprivation and address inequality. The government allows schools to decide how the Pupil Premium is spent each year since it is schools who are best placed to decide on additional provision and support for individual students. The annual performance tables also details the achievement of students who attract Pupil Premium Grant funding. The funding is allocated on a financial year basis, not an academic year basis. For the current financial year the funding level is £1,035 per eligible student.

Children who have been adopted from care, or who have left care under a Residential or Special Guardianship Order within England and Wales are also eligible for Pupil Premium Grant funding of £2,530. This is designed to help the school achieve the best possible outcomes for these children


To view eligibility for free school meals and a link to the application please go to the following website:


FSM application form  (chaileyschool.org)


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