
Travelling to School by Coach

Most Chailey School students travel to and from school on coaches provided by East Sussex County Council and are provided with a free bus pass. This free bus pass allocates a seat on a specific coach to an individual student and also insures the student for the journey.

The County Council Transport Team runs the coach contracts with the different coach companies and they keep in touch with each other to ensure that the correct size of coach is provided so that every student has their own seat. It is very important therefore that every student only travels on the coach to which they have been allocated a seat so that coaches do not become overcrowded (with not enough seats for the number of students travelling). Coach drivers will ask every student to show his/her bus pass when boarding the coach every morning and afternoon so it is vital that you carry your bus pass with you every day.

If you lose your bus pass you will have to pay £5 for a new one to be issued by the County Council.

If you accidentally forget your pass, the school office will issue you with a temporary one for your journey home. However, you can only get a temporary bus pass at break or lunchtime as there is not enough time for you to do so after school and still catch the coach home! 

Travelling to School by Public Bus Services

Students outside Chailey School’s catchment area travel by public bus services, usually the 121 route which runs between Lewes and Uckfield. Please click here for a link to information about the 3i-D Card: East Sussex ID card and bus discount for young people. 

Behaviour on Coaches and Buses

The same high standard of behaviour expected of Chailey School students at school every day is also expected when you are travelling to school and home again and indeed in the local community generally. When you are wearing Chailey School uniform you are subject to school rules and the disciplinary systems in place at the school as laid down by the Headteacher. There are Prefects assigned to every coach and bus service and students are expected to do as asked by the Prefects, who will inform school staff if any student misbehaves or breaks school rules.

The Guide to Transport booklet explains the expectations of the County Council in relation to all students using school transport.   

Transport Information for Parents

We accept applications for students from a very wide area. Students travel to us from as far as Brighton, Newhaven, Seaford and Forest Row.

If you live within a certain area you may qualify to have your child’s travel to and from school paid for by the local authority. Please contact the Transport Team at East Sussex County Council on 0345 608 0190 to find out whether this will apply for your child. The County Transport Team can also advise families who have a low income or where a child has special educational needs or a disability.

All school coaches are run by East Sussex County Council. Students who qualify for free transport are issued with a bus pass by the County Council’s Transport Team.

If a student does not qualify for free transport, parents can apply for a seat for their child under the ESCC Vacant Seat Scheme. 

Should a student lose his/her bus pass, a temporary bus pass may be obtained from the Front Office. Temporary bus passes are only issued at break or lunchtime – there is not enough time to collect a temporary bus pass at the end of school and still catch the coach/bus home!  

Many students also use public service buses. The 121 bus between Lewes and Uckfield, for example, comes into the school every morning and afternoon and the 121 service between Lewes and Newick runs from the end of Mill Lane every hour outside the two dedicated services at the start and end of the school day.

Useful Links


East Sussex County Council Home to School Transport Leaflet
East Sussex County Council Transport PoliciesSchool transport | East Sussex County CouncilBus Times – Seaford and DistrictBus Timetables Compass Travel | Compass Travel (