The Governors of Chailey School have overall responsibility for the strategic management of the school and for determining its aims, objectives and policies.
The Governing Body is made up as follows:
Working with the Headteacher we set and monitor the school budget, the school development plan, curriculum targets, and other initiatives. As well as meeting six times per year, we also undertake regular monitoring visits within the school. In addition, we have pay and appeals committees, a representative on the school’s Health and Safety Committee and a Governor who is responsible for monitoring safeguarding.
Through our work we discharge the core functions of school governance. These are:
If you have any questions regarding the work of our Governing Board, please contact the Clerk to Governors, Rachel Alderman ( and she will endeavour to respond to you as soon as possible.
David Whelpton
Chair of Governors Chailey School
To contact our Chair of Governors please email
Governor Type |
Position and Portfolio |
Name |
Current Term of Office |
Declaration of Interests
Meeting Attendance 2023/2024 |
Business and Pecuniary |
Other |
Clerk |
Rachel Alderman |
01.09.23 - |
None |
Parent |
6/6 |
Parent Governor |
Georgina Tomlin |
05.02.24 – 04.02.28 |
None |
Parent |
2/3 |
Staff Governor |
Emily Akehurst |
01.09.22 – 31.07.26 |
None |
Staff |
6/6 |
Headteacher |
Helen Key |
01.09.16 - |
None |
Staff |
6/6 |
LA Governor |
Mark Evans |
18.09.24 – 17.09.28 |
None |
None |
6/6 |
Co-opted Governor |
David Whelpton |
01.03.23 – 28.02.27 |
None |
None |
6/6 |
Co-opted Governor |
Peggy Hooton |
28.02.23 – 27.02.27 |
None |
None |
6/6 |
Co-opted Governor |
Paul Tonking |
23.10.24 – 22.10.28 |
None |
None |
3/6 |
Co-opted Governor |
Clare Gregory |
22.09.21 – 21.09.25 |
None |
None |
2/6 |
Co-opted Governor |
Martyn Carr |
19.10.22 – 18.10.26 |
None |
None |
5/6 |
Name |
Jo Tregenza |
Co-opted Governor – Resigned 10.07.24 |
Mark Evans |
LA Governor – Re-appointed 18.09.24 |
Paul Tonking |
Co-opted Governor – Re-appointed 23.10.24 |
Rachel Buckenham |
Parents Governor – Resigned 13.01.25 |
Date |
18.09.24 |
23.10.24 |
27.11.24 |
04.12.24 |
22.01.25 |
26.02.25 |
28.02.25 |
26.03.25 |
07.05.25 |
10.07.25 |
Meeting Type |
FGB, F&R |
FGB, F&R |
FGB, F&R |
FGB & Budget |
AGM, FGB, Resources Update |
Rachel Alderman |
Present |
Present |
Present |
Present |
Present |
Present |
Present |
Emily Akehurst |
Present |
Present |
Present |
Present |
Present |
Present |
Present |
Rachel Buckenham |
Present |
Present |
Present |
Apologies |
Resigned |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Martyn Carr |
Present |
Present |
Present |
Present |
Present |
Present |
Present |
Mark Evans |
Apologies |
Present |
Present |
Present |
Present |
Present |
Present |
Clare Gregory |
Present |
Apologies |
Present |
Present |
Present |
Present |
Present |
Peggy Hooton |
Present |
Present |
Present |
Present |
Present |
Apologies |
Apologies |
Helen Key |
Present |
Present |
Present |
Present |
Present |
Present |
X |
Georgina Tomlin |
Apologies |
Present |
Present |
Present |
Present |
Apologies |
Present |
Paul Tonking |
Present |
Present |
Present |
Present |
Present |
Apologies |
Apologies |
David Whelpton |
Present |
Present |
Present |
Present |
Present |
Present |
Present |
Full Governing Board (FGB)
Finance and Resources (F&R)
Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM)