
Page Downloads Date  
Learning Outside the Classroom Policy 01st Sep 2022 Download
CCTV policy 01st Sep 2022 Download
Statement of Principles for separated parents 27th Apr 2023 Download
Home School Agreement 27th Apr 2023 Download
Curriculum Policy July 2025 20th Jul 2023 Download
SEND Policy Information Report June 2024 20th Jul 2023 Download
Prevent Policy Sept 2024 26th Jul 2023 Download
Online Safety Policy and Acceptable Use Agreements Sept 2024 21st Sep 2023 Download
Sex and Relationship Education Policy Sept 2024 21st Sep 2023 Download
Substance Use and Misuse Policy Sept 2024 21st Sep 2023 Download
Able Gifted and Talented Policy Sept 2026 27th Sep 2023 Download
Lettings Policy and hiring form October 2024 19th Oct 2023 Download
Provider Access Policy Statement Oct 2025 19th Oct 2023 Download
Use of Pupils images October 2026 19th Oct 2023 Download
Pupil Premium Policy October 2024 19th Oct 2023 Download
Wheelchair Policy Nov 2026 30th Oct 2023 Download
Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy Sept 24 02nd Nov 2023 Download
Data Retention Policy Dec 2025 07th Dec 2023 Download
Exams Policy October 2024 09th Jan 2024 Download
Internal Appeals Procedure Exams October 2024 09th Jan 2024 Download
Physical Intervention and Restraint Policy Dec 2024 17th Jan 2024 Download
Careers Policy updated to include PAL Dec 2024 17th Jan 2024 Download
Accessibility Plan and Equality Objectives Mar 2026 17th Jan 2024 Download
Charging and Remissions policy Oct 2024 17th Jan 2024 Download
Health and Safety Policy Dec 2024 17th Jan 2024 Download
Feedback Policy Mar 2024 17th Jan 2024 Download
Data in Transit Dec 2024 17th Jan 2024 Download
Data Breach Policy Dec 2024 17th Jan 2024 Download
Freedom of Information Policy Dec 2024 17th Jan 2024 Download
Literacy Policy Sept 2025 17th Jan 2024 Download
New Technologies Policy July 2024 17th Jan 2024 Download
Offsite Activities and Educational Visits Policy Oct 2024 17th Jan 2024 Download
Teaching Learning and Assessment Policy Sept 2024 17th Jan 2024 Download
Complaints Policy and Procedure February 2027 26th Feb 2024 Download
Equality Information Objectives Policy Dec 2025 26th Feb 2024 Download
Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions Feb 2025 26th Feb 2024 Download
Anti Bullying Policy Mar 2025 08th May 2024 Download
First Aid policy April 2026 08th May 2024 Download
Attendance policy Mar 2026 08th May 2024 Download
Rewards Behaviour Policy Dec 2024 14th Jun 2024 Download
Data Protection Policy Jul 2026 01st Jul 2024 Download