Smartphone Free Childhood

Chailey School made the decision to become a mobile phone free school in September 2022 due to a steady but sustained increase in mobile phone related incidents on school grounds. While at the time, it was seen by many to be a bold move, the impact of this has been transformational in terms of our school culture and the day to day behaviour of our students in school. Of course, we now know that the government agrees with our stance on mobile phones and supports mobile free schools.

Since the policy was implemented we have seen a decrease in online bullying and unkindness during school hours and more focused students in the classroom, with one less potential distraction. Additionally, our students are spending more time socialising during non-contact time. We are proud of our students, their families and of our staff for embracing the change and creating such a positive outcome. We genuinely feel that it has, and will continue to make a difference to our students’ chances of success in school.

Unfortunately, despite the shift in school we continue to be presented with parental concerns regarding the impact that smartphones are having on their child’s lives during non-school hours. Incidents of bullying, unkindness and targeting of students online are regularly raised, as well as concerns about inappropriate views and content being shared through Whatsapp groups and the influence of social media on their child’s attitudes and opinions.

Feedback from parents and carers to date suggests that many would prefer for their child not to have a smartphone at all. However, with many children in the UK now owning a smartphone from the age of 7, the pressure to provide one is huge. Evidence shows that 11-13 years old is the most dangerous age for children when it comes to social media and a huge global study of the first generation of children to be given smartphones, who are now adults, found that the younger they got their first smartphone, the worse their mental health is today.

Currently, the choice seems to be to provide your child with a smartphone and open them up to the online world, or don’t and alienate them from their peers. We appreciate that this is not an easy decision to make and at Chailey School, we would like to try and support parents in our community with this very real and ongoing issue.

Please visit Smartphone Free Childhood to learn more and find your local Whatsapp group.