Year 9 Maths Picnic

24th Jun 2024



Year 9 maths picnic june 2024


On Wednesday 12th June, Ms Bray and Mr Austin took 6 girls to a Maths Picnic event at Brighton Girls School. The focus of the event was team work, communication and problem solving. Working in small teams of 3, our students rose to the challenge brilliantly. The students and staff thoroughly enjoyed the event, and we are already looking forward to the next one.

‘I had a great time at the Maths Picnic and I really surprised myself by how much I thought outside the box, even if sometimes I wasn't right! I had a great time with my friends and we worked great as a team purposely playing to our strengths.

Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity. Would one hundred percent do it again!’ Hannah

‘The trip made us use a lot of problem-solving skills and made us think in less of an obvious way. We also learnt about taking Higher Maths after Secondary School, as the person running it explained the benefits of Maths. When we did a certain game, we did something that you would have to know how to do if you were an engineer which I found interesting.’ Lilly