Music (including Music Development Plan)

Curriculum Intent

 1. Curriculum Design

-     The ‘formal’ curriculum for Music at Chailey School is designed to be both practical and academic, accessible and yet challenging but most important of all a great stepping stone to the next stage of their music education.

-       Music is taught across a three-year Key Stage 3 and a two-year Key Stage 4.

-       All students are able to access the resources, learning and outcomes in Music through carefully planned projects which incorporate a range of structured and differentiated tasks that will help support students of all abilities to engage with the subject matter and prepare them for the next stage in their music education.

 2. Coherence and continuity

-     The intent of the curriculum in Music aligns with the overall curriculum intent of Chailey School

-     By the end of Key Stage 3, students are expected to show that they understand musical devices used in composition and performance and be able to relate them to their own work. They should also understand how music reflects place and time.

-     By the end of Key Stage 4, students who take the subject at GCSE level are expected to know that Music is most successful when there is an integrated approach to the skills of performing, composing and listening. They can use a wide a range of resources included Music Technology to give themselves a wide range of experiences of music from a wide variety of cultures and historical periods.

-     To achieve this, the curriculum in Music is planned in coherent sequences of lessons – knowledge, skills and understanding will be built on and applied in a cumulative manner

-     Assessment, testing of knowledge, skills and understanding, and effective feedback on this in will support this – further details of this can be found in the school’s and subject’s Feedback Policy.

 3. The ‘Informal’ curriculum

-     Music contributes [much] to the school’s ‘informal’ curriculum – the experience and opportunity for students in Music is not just about sets of exam results, very important though those may be.

-     Key opportunities for this in Music can be found in extracurricular lessons, in which over 250 students partake, or through one of the many ensembles run by Music Department staff throughout the week. Students can also be involved in any of the performances/classes/workshops put on throughout the year.

 4. Building character and values in the curriculum

-     All subjects at Chailey School contribute towards building the character and values of its young people and none more so than Music which encourages creative problem solving, helps develop concentration and provides an outlet for emotional expression. Music also improves self-discipline and provides a positive boost to a student’s self-esteem.


Chailey School Music Development Plan

At Chailey School we value music as part of a broad and ambitious taught curriculum, and also as an entitlement for every child both inside and outside of the formal curriculum.

This plan sets out how Chailey School delivers high-quality music provision in curriculum music, co-curricular music and musical experiences, taking into account the key features in the national plan for music education:

  • timetabled curriculum music of at least one hour each week of the school year for key stages 1 to 3
  • access to lessons across a range of instruments, and voice
  • a school choir or vocal ensemble
  • a school ensemble, band or group
  • space for rehearsals and individual practice
  • a termly school performance
  • opportunity to enjoy live performance at least once a year




Academic year that this summary covers


Date this summary was published

August 2024

Date this summary will be reviewed

July 2025

Name of the school music lead

Mr Andrew Baxter

Name of school leadership team member with responsibility for music (if different)

Mr Tim Dudgeon

Name of local music hub

East Sussex Music Service

Name of other music education organisation(s) (if partnership in place)

Create Music

Bedes Senior School


This is a summary of how our school delivers music education to all our pupils across three areas – curriculum music, co-curricular provision and musical experiences – and what changes we are planning in future years. This information is to help pupils and parents or carers understand what our school offers and who we work with to support our pupils’ music education.

Part A: Curriculum music

This is about what we teach in lesson time, how much time is spent teaching music and any music qualifications or awards that pupils can achieve.

Chailey School publishes the school curriculum for music for each year group online. You can find this on our school website. All staff have received relevant and recent training on inclusive classroom practice to ensure that our music curriculum is adaptive to the needs of all students including those with additional needs.

A link to our taught music curriculum can be found here.

A link to our provision for students with additional needs can be found here.

Chailey School has a broad, ambitious and inclusive curriculum for all students which includes one taught lesson of music per week to every student in years 7, 8 and 9.


GCSE Music and BTEC Performing Arts are popular and successful options at KS4. We have retained four options at KS4 to promote all students continuing a broad curriculum until the age of16 and encouraging this to include at least one arts subject.

  • Our school music curriculum is informed by the model music curriculum (March 2021), non-statutory guidance for teaching music from Key Stages 1 to 3 and by the demands of the KS4 curriculum
  • At KS3 90% of the music curriculum is practical allowing students to develop individual and ensemble composition and performance
  • Students have the opportunity to take part in group or individual music lessons with a range of specialist teachers covering 17 instruments and 11 teachers


Part B: Co-curricular music


Start with what music tuition your school offers outside of what is taught in lesson time, including one-to-one, small-group and large-group tuition for instruments or voice.

Extra-Curricular Music


At Chailey School all students have access to inclusive opportunities for singing and music playing within the school day.  To ensure equality of opportunity our orchestra practices during Community and Culture time at the beginning of the school day once a week.  The orchestra is inclusive with no minimum standard needed to take part. This is free to all students.

We have a school choir which also rehearses once a week in Community and Culture time and is accessible to all students from all year groups.  The school funds a teacher for the choir to ensure there is no additional cost to students.

The school also has a number of other ensembles and groups at no cost including:

1-School Soul Band

2-String orchestra

3-Rock bands

4-Brass groups

5-Wind groups

In addition, students can access peripatetic teaching in many instruments either individually or in small groups and these take place throughout the school day. This is paid for but can be subsidised for specific students using the pupil premium funding the school receives.

Students have the opportunity to take part in group or individual music lessons with a range of specialist teachers covering 17 instruments and 11 teachers

The music classroom is an inclusive place where all students are welcomed every break and lunchtime.  The main room and practice rooms are open for individual and group practice. The school has partnerships with other local schools and organisations and the following projects are currently in place.

1-Partnership with Bede’s Independent Senior School linking both school orchestras working towards a gala joint performance

2-Planning for collaboration with another secondary school


Musical experiences and Performances


Planned Performances

1-Four concerts including all the school musicians at Chailey School

2-Carol Service in a Newick local church

3-Musical theatre production with the opportunity for students to play with professional musicians

4-Orchestra playing at Bede’s Senior School Annual Cabaret

5-Performance at Chailey Flower Festival at Chailey Church

Planned Experiences

1-Glyndebourne production

2-Visit to London Musical Theatre



Page Downloads  
Music Curriculum Map Download
Music Year 7 subject intent outline Download
Music Year 8 subject intent outline Download
Music Year 9 subject intent outline Download